Veterans Portrait Workshop

Join Cliff Lawson for a Veterans Portrait Workshop on Saturday, May 20, 2023, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm at the Lone Tree Civic Center, 8527 Lone Tree Parkway, Lone Tree, CO.

Cliff Lawson Veterans Project The main subject of the class is how Cliff lights and photographs veterans. We will start out with an overview of a few different lighting options that anyone with speedlights and a reflector, can employ and then move on to multiple light setups with studio lights. Participants are encouraged to bring along a camera with a portrait-type lens. Something in the 85 to 150 range, to photograph the lighting setup and then take an image that is the result of that particular setup.

If we have at least one veteran in the group, Cliff will do an actual veteran session and that person will receive a free print of the session. If we have two, he will do two and allow the participants to make the same images. He has triggers that will work with any brand, so everyone can get an opportunity to shoot a bit.

In the afternoon Cliff will go over the whole retouching process to show how he gets that specific look. Cliff will be doing a demo of his technique using Photoshop – this will not be a Photoshop class, just a demo of his process. Participants should have an understanding of layers, layer masks, and how to build one’s own actions. Taking written notes will probably be more efficient than following along on a laptop.

What to bring:

  • Camera – make sure to have a full battery, a spare battery, and memory cards
  • Lens 85 to 150mm range – zooms are ok; F2.8 or faster if you have it

We’ll have a one-hour break for lunch on your own. There are several fast food places nearby or bring your lunch.

Registration required:
Cost is $99 per person for LTPC members or non-members. Limited to 10 participants.

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