Learning to See Creatively

Greg Holden presents “Learning to See Creatively” on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 7pm, Lone Tree Civic Center.

Arrive 30 minutes early for social time, to visit with your fellow club members and meet some new folks. The program is 7pm – 9pm.

Images Under FootPhotographer Elliot Erwitt once said, “To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” In this presentation, Greg will discuss how he sees the world around him and how he captures that through his photographs. Greg will discuss his approach for finding different viewpoints in common scenes and how he creates interesting abstract images by isolating a part of a scene. Whether it is iPhone photos taken in his kitchen or DSLR images from local parks, Greg’s photos will demonstrate that you do not have to travel to exotic locations or spend hours using software manipulation to make creative images.

About Greg Holden:
Photography is his way of sharing with others how he see the world around him. Greg Holden: Images Under Foot photos are mainly from adventures traveling the U.S. and hiking in various parks, where he enjoys the challenge of finding interesting shapes and juxtapositions in nature and making the most of situations he discovers.

Greg finds that the little scenes often overlooked by others are the ones that fuels his photographic creativity. He is always looking beyond the obvious and photographing the things that others might not even notice like an acorn sprouting, the patterns made by rust and faded paint on an old automobile, or textures in the windblown sand of a local beach. Sometimes the most amazing images are right there under your feet.

Photography provides Greg with an artistic escape from his day job as an aerospace engineer. He lives in the Denver, CO area, but grew up in Maryland, where he was a frequent repeat judge and critique leader at camera clubs in the MD and VA areas. He has been praised for his constructive critiques and ability to tailor feedback to different levels of photographers.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.lonetreephotoclub.com/learning-to-see-creatively/