Everything I learned about Photography

Quirino Zaragosa presents the “Everything I learned about Photography” on Wednesday, September 16, 2021 at 7pm, Lone Tree Civic Center or virtually. Virtual Meeting details emailed to members. If you would like to join us in person, arrive 30 minutes early for social time, to visit with your fellow club members and meet some new folks. The program is 7pm – 9pm.

Our 2020 Amateur Photographer of the year, Quirino Zaragosa, will share how he learned his photography skills and history and tips that worked for him to learning photography. Quirino joined the Lone Tree Photo Club in 2019 with a desire to learn more about photography. He is always willing to help anyone who asks, and has shared his knowledge of Topaz Studio II with a special presentation to the club earlier this year.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.lonetreephotoclub.com/everything-i-learned-about-photography/